
Welcome to my cozy corner of the web!  I'm thrilled you've stopped by and am excited to use this space to share my inspiration, what I'm working on and my experiences as a small business owner.  In order to give you a proper introduction, I thought I'd share what is important to me and a few of my favorite things.

MAX POWER - Max is our lab mutt and he is quite honestly the best dog in the world.

TRAVELING - My husband and I love to explore and travel and we just returned from a trip to Cabo in January. I'm excited to plan a few more adventures for this coming year!

COLORADO - We just moved to Denver this past October and so far are loving our new adopted home.

WORKING OUT - I love breaking a sweat because it makes me feel good and is good for me.  I'm constantly trying different classes and don't have patience for workouts that are not fun.  My favorite classes right now include spin, barre and yoga.

FALL - Fall is my favorite season as I love the crisp chill in the air, apple cider, colorful leaves and pumpkin flavored everything. Yes, I am that girl in the yoga pants with a pumpkin spice latte in hand.

SAILING - My husband grew up sailing and I was introduced to this family tradition when we started dating seven years ago.  I have such fond memories of driving up to his parents house on the eastern shore of Maryland, going for a day sail and then having crabs on the back deck.

NORTH CAROLINA - I grew up in Raleigh, NC and it will always feel like home to me whenever I return. From the mountains to the coast the entire state is diverse and beautiful but my favorite spot is my parents beach house in Emerald Isle.  As soon as you arrive all your stress and worries just melt away.  

MUSIC - I played the piano for 17 years and it was always a source of joy and a therapeutic outlet for me.  Now days I love to have music on in the background at all times whether I'm working or cooking. My eclectic taste ranges from classical and bluegrass to indie rock and oldie classics.

STATIONERY - I have a weakness for all things paper, letterpress, foil, blind emboss and more.  

FAMILY - Family is so important to myself and my husband.  When we lived on the east coast we made it a priority to see our family often and leaving them was one of the hardest parts of moving to Colorado.  I talk to my two older sisters just about every day and despite them both having kids we try to do a girls weekend a few times a year.  

READING - I come by my love for reading naturally as I have memories of both my parents spending their nights in their reading chairs and making many trips to the library.  My taste in books is as eclectic as my taste in music.  Feel free to view my reading list on goodreads or what I'm currently reading on instagram.

WASHINGTON, DC - I owe a lot to DC as it is where I got my start in graphic design, made amazing friends, and met my husband.  I lived there for seven great years and we just recently moved away to Colorado for my husband's job. We love our new home but I will always have a special place in my heart for DC and the time I spent there.

I'd love to learn a little more about you and hope you will share what is important in your life in the comments.