

Happy first day of May!  April has been pretty amazing filled with lots of quality time and adventures with family and friends.  Looking back on this past month:

I shared: My favorite summer invitation suite, a new vintage invitation suite complete with a wax seal and highlights from my trip to Sonoma.

I read: Station Eleven, The Boston Girl, and I'm halfway through Now, Discover Your Strengths

I learned: This past week I finished Marie Forleo's 8 week B-School program.  My head is swimming with all kinds of information I want to implement in my business.

I visited: We had friends from DC visit this month so we got to play tourist in our new home which was fun and I just got back from a girls trip to California with my mom and sisters. It has been so nice to spend quality time with our loved ones this past month.  


I'm pretty excited about this coming month as I finally have some time to implement everything I've been learning in my business.

May Goals

1 Organize: While I'm great at staying organized on projects, organizing actual belongings is a huge weakness of mine.  I have boxes and boxes of past work, paper samples etc. Part of it is due to the move but I've decided it is time to get organized in my studio starting with all my supplies and samples. 

2 Email List: I've been wanting to do a monthly email for a while and this month I'm finally going to launch so be on the lookout this month to signup and receive exclusive content such as tips and tutorials.

3 Learn: Now that I'm done with B-School I am hoping back on the Skillshare train and really want to continue my education with calligraphy and hand lettering.

4 Solidify My Routine: My routine has been one of the hardest parts about transitioning to working full time for myself.  I feel like I'm getting there but this coming month I really want to perfect it so that I can efficiently do my work, make time for exercise, and feel more balanced.

What are your goals for this coming month?  I'd love to hear what you are struggling with or want to hustle after in the month of May.  


Happy April! I'd really like to know where March went as it flew by before my very eyes!  It has been a very busy month full of great work and exciting activities.  Looking back on this past month:

I shared: My rebrand package to clients and my 7 tips for working from home

I read: The Goldfinch, Yes Please, and Big Little Lies

I learned: I took a great calligraphy class from Twinkle & Toast when she was visiting Denver and I'm currently working my way through B-School with Marie Forleo and Happy Hour Coterie with Hilary Rushford. My head is swimming with all the knowledge I've taken in this past month.

I visited: My husband and I took a trip to Telluride which was amazing and one of the weekends I totally unplugged from my work.

Now it is time to look ahead and decide on what I'd like to prioritize for this coming month.

April Goals

1. Read Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton: I've been trying to hone in on what my strengths are to gain better clarity in my business and I think this book will be super helpful for my monthly business read.

2. Finish B-School: I've been absolutely loving the B-School program and if you are not familiar with Marie Forleo you should check out her free weekly video series for how to create and business and life you love.  Last month my goal was to learn a new skill on Skill Share but then I signed up for B-School and I think its fair that has taken its place.  My priority is just to stay on track and implement everything I learn.

3. Blog Once A Week: So it turns out blogging twice a week was a little ambitious for me and thats ok.  I'm not always going to achieve everything I set out to do and I'm learning what my limits are.  It seems once a week is much more manageable for me right now and I want to prioritize quality over quantity.

4. Spend Quality Time with My Family: I'm headed to California later this month for a girls weekend with my mom and sisters and it is my goal to leave my laptop at home.  This is such a scary thought being a small business owner but I've been trying to prepare all my clients ahead of time to avoid any fires.  I usually always bring my laptop with me just in case but it would feel so freeing and I could really focus on enjoying time with my family if I can leave it at home.  Fingers crossed! 

What did you accomplish this past month and what are you hoping to prioritize in April?  I'd love to hear how you are hustling and what goals you are setting for yourself!



February sure was a short but wonderful month.  Looking back I relaunched my business, spent my first full month in Colorado without leaving, wrapped up a few fun projects I hope to share soon and had the chance to explore my new home of Denver more.

Looking forward to March I have a lot more I'd like to accomplish and have decided to start sharing my monthly recap and goals on this blog.  Life is busy and I won't always achieve everything I set out to do but hopefully talking about my successes and failures can be a source of accountability for me and encouragement for you as well.

March Goals

1. Read Yes Please by Amy Poehler: For my monthly dose of girl power inspiration.
2. Blog Twice A Week: I've been pretty quiet on here as I've been so busy with work but I want to make more time to share my inspiration and what I'm working on. To be completely honest I get paralyzed sometimes wanting to come up with the most perfect post. This is ridiculous and I need to stop being a roadblock to myself and just get after it!
3. Make time to learn a new skill on Skillshare: I won a year subscription to Skillshare at an AIGA event and I really need to invest time in myself.  I'd like to set aside time a few mornings a week to go through a video series.
4. Decorate my office: I told myself after my relaunch I could spend some time designing my work space.  I'd like to hit my monthly income goal for 6 consecutive months before making any big furniture purchases but I can still make my design plan.  A few coats of paint and a couple desk accessories could go a long way in the mean time as well.
5. Take 2 weekends off: It has been pretty busy around the studio and owning your own business is not for the faint of heart.  Working through the weekend is just part of the gig but I'd still like to find a better work/life balance.  

What are your goals?  Is there anything you've been putting off and need to start making time for?  Join me in getting after it.  Let's do this, March!